A murderous veto

The United States of America vetoed a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. In a quarter of a century Washington has used this right more than 260 times, three quarters of which to overturn resolutions condemning Israel and a quarter to oppose other resolutions asserting Palestinian rights.

In other words, the Palestinians resist the United States first and Israel second. Prioritization makes sense here. Because, without the American green light, Israel would never have been able to snub the entire world, despise the United Nations and trample on his resolutions.

Thus, a few hours after this veto which supports the assassination of thousands of civilians, in particular women and children, the Americans grant the urgent sending to Israel of 45,000 bombs and missiles, as well as tanks and armored vehicles, to kill more civilians!

This is why the American speech to the chancellery could not be more inaudible, because it is not credible and more than ever hypocritical.

Two military superpowers, American and Israeli, united and using the latest intelligence and destruction technologies and a deluge of shells, missiles and any other means of mass destruction, never used since the Vietnam and Iraq war, against surrounded, hungry, unarmed militias. and yet fail to achieve 10% of their objective of eradicating Hamas.

Even more, the latter continues, after 65 days of deluge of fire night and day, to resist, to kill hundreds of Zionist soldiers and even to bomb the occupied territories and beyond in Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem

It is neither more nor less another defeat which adds to the multiple American military failures, and a historic Israeli disappointment already recorded whatever the outcome of this war.

The humiliation suffered by the American-Israeli couple and their joint involvement in war crimes in Gaza are forever etched in the scrolls of history of blood and horror. Nevertheless, this victory of the Palestinian resistance is a precedent which completely changes the situation in this story occupation which is reborn from its ashes thanks to the resistance.

Fri 3:00
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